Monday 16 June 2008

New York Governor Pardons Slick Rick

Slick Rick's efforts to avoid being deported from the United States improved today (May 23) as he was pardoned by New York Governor David Paterson for the attempted murders of two men in 1991.
Slick Rick, born Ricky Walters, spent five years behind bars in the 90's for shooting his cousin and another man.  Both men survived.
Since his release, federal immigration officials have attempted to deport the rapper to his native home of Britain which he moved from at age 11.
According to The New York Times, Paterson issued a statement Friday saying he has granted Slick Rick a full and unconditional pardon to help him seek relief from deportation.
Paterson also said that Slick Rick, who is a landlord in the Bronx, has not had any criminal problems since his release from prison and counsels youths against violence.