Sunday 8 June 2008

My drinks were spiked, Lily Allen claims

Pop star Lily Allen claims her drunken appearance at an awards show may have been caused by spiked drinks.

The Smile singer, sporting a new bright pink haircut, was carried out of Glamour Awards earlier this week after seemingly having too much to drink.

But Britain's Daily Mail reported Allen as saying:  "I don't know what happened, maybe I was spiked. I don't remember a thing. I can normally get really drunk, but not like that.

"The worrying thing was that I was like a dead weight. I have been out so many times and got drunk and never ended up like that.

"What was worse was that the cab just drove off with only me in it. My brother and my mates were not with me."

Allen - who won the Editor's Award at the star-studded ceremony on Tuesday night - thanked her brother Alfie for helping her get home.

She wrote on her blog: "Last time I wrote here, I was defending my honour and dignity, explaining my innocence and also outrage at the press for insinuating my behaviour was embarrassing.

"This time I'm putting my hands up - I got very drunk, too drunk. It's not cool getting that drunk, I feel awful and I have to thank my little brother Alfie for getting me home safely.

"Kids, drink responsibly or you'll end up looking like this, not pretty! Was quite fun though, from what I can remember."

Other celebrities at the ceremony included Spice Girls Emma Bunton and Geri Halliwell, actress Kate Beckinsale and Heroes star Hayden Panettiere.

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